
VNA is committed to wellness. We demonstrate this commitment by being involved in a
number of activities, both agency and community based, that strive to increase community awareness and improve the quality of life.

Thank you Northeastern Oklahoma.  The agency provided over 50,000 flu shots and 3,800 Pneumonia shots, and 750 FluMist Vaccinations.

Our “Fight the Flu Campaign” for 2004 is scheduled to start in October. We will post our schedule in the fall September 2004. This program will be available at such public sites as Homeland, Mays, Med-X, Reasors, Warehouse Market and Redbud as well as many area businesses. Both flu and pneumonia vaccinations will be offered.

We are currently booking Corporate flu clinics for this fall. If you would like VNA to bring
flu shots to your place of business, now is the time to call to get on the calendar.
Contact Mary at 918-743-9810 ext 230.

Has your college student been informed about Hepatitis B and Meningococcal Meningitis vaccines, as required by Oklahoma Law? The law states, in part,

“Beginning with the 2004-2005 academic year, public or private postsecondary educational institutions shall provide detailed information on the risks associated with meningococcal disease and the availability of vaccine to students who reside or plan to reside in on-campus student housing…”


“Beginning with the 2004-2005 academic year, in order to enroll as a full-time or part-time student in an institution within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education or a private institution of higher learning located within this state and accredited pursuant to Section 4103 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes, an individual shall provide written documentation of vaccinations against hepatitis B, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) or shall complete vaccinations within ten (10) months of the enrollment date as a condition of continued enrollment…”

To view the law in its entirety, click here: http://www.lsb.state.ok.us/2003-04SB/sb787_engr.rtf

To read about one student’s experience with Meningococcal meningitis, click here: http://www.ecbt.org/RyanH.html

  • Hepatitis A — series of 2 shots, good for life
  • Hepatitis B — series of 3 shots, good for life
  • Twinrix (combination vaccine of Hep A & B) — series of 3 shots, taking the place of Hep A & B monovalent, above, good for life
  • Tetanus/diphtheria — due every ten years
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella — 2 vaccinations in lifetime
  • Meningococcal Meningitis — 1 shot, good for about 5 years
  • Varicella (chicken pox) — series of 2 shots if have never had the disease
  • Flu — 1 time every year
  • Pneumococcal pneumonia — 1 time over age 65 or under 65 with a chronic illness
  • FluMist — nasal spray for healthy people ages 5-49, takes the place of the flu shot

For detailed information on any of the above vaccinations, visit the CDC’s National Immunization Program website: www.cdc.gov/nip or the Immunization Action Coalition at www.immunize.org .

For further information or to schedule an appointment in the Tulsa area, call 918-743-9810, ext 223, or in the Oklahoma City area, 405-848-9530.

Why Do I Need Foot Care?
Foot health is often overlooked by many. If your feet are not properly maintained, problems
can occur which are difficult to correct. If you have trouble seeing or reaching your feet, you probably need help with your foot care.

What is a Foot Care Clinic?
“Wellness Works” by VNA offers Foot Care Clinics staffed by Licensed Nurses who have
special training in foot care. These Nurses will perform basic nail trimming and cleaning of your
feet, look for any problems which need medical attention, and help find answers to any
health-related questions you may have. Our main focus is your good health, and early
intervention for problems you may be facing.

Each foot care session consists of these points:

  • Soak in warm water solution
  • Inspect for problems
  • Trim and file nails, clean cuticles
  • Foot massage with lotion

Foot Care Clinics are offered at many locations and times throughout the Tulsa and surrounding area. For more information or to find a clinic near you, call 743-9810 ext 502.

  • Health Index Screening
  • T.B Testing
  • Cholesterol Testing
  • Employee Wellness Program
  • Nurse comes to your business
  • Tracking/reports provided
  • Dollar for dollar tax credit for entire cost of program
  • Employee education provided at no additional cost

Call 918-743-9810 ext 223 for more information.

Available by appointment!

Visiting Nurse Association of Tulsa
2745 E. Skelly Drive #114
Tulsa, OK 74105
email: [email protected]